Sunday, May 23, 2010

香港工專 / Hong Kong Technical College HKTC

I have many fond memories of 觀塘 !!!

".... I was working one summer for the Vita Soy / Pepsi Cola company located there. I also had a link with the old HKTC, having spent many mornings at 7 am practising 功力拳 with [some HKTC] students in the grassy school yard at the back of the old building (if it still exists) ...."

The above are my comments left at Fresh Designer's 2010年5月19日 blog article "觀塘略影: 裕民坊一角!"

Yes, time has passed by quickly, and many of the ppl I practised kungfu with during those early hours at 香港工專 Hong Kong Technical College have moved on. One reached near the pinnacle of the HK society, his profile flashed across TV screens and newspaper. Another had married the former, and she too was in the news several years ago. A few like myself have gone overseas to seek our future. And the rest of the ppl? I have lost track of them all.

As Fresh Designer concluded in his article: "... 當中不少的人和事亦會消失得無影無踪了"

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