Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Below are my comments I posted on Fresh Designer's 2012年10月29日 blog article: 以有限面對無限!

blogger Haricot 微豆 提到...





Saturday, September 22, 2012

Does silence mean consent?

無言是否代表默許同意 ?  
Does silence mean consent? 

Here is an explanation from:

Consent is a mutual verbal, physical, and emotional agreement that happens without manipulation, threats, or head games.

I agree with the "What does YES look like" interpretation in a sexual-assault context. 

But how abt the silent majority in an open election with low voters turn-out? 

Are they consenting to anything by refusing to cast a vote and express an opinion??

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


在【投幣機的咖啡】水壺 一文処留言如下:
1. 我記得以前星光實業「紅A牌」是香港最出名的PVC 塑膠用品牌子。港產公司多是用「啤膠機」製做水壺, polyvinyl chloride 不單只是有臭味,而且毒性高,不過那時代社会科學知識程度低,也沒有什么所謂環璄健康保護了。
2. 學生時代我沒有零用錢買汽水,所以隨身携帶水壼,有點土頭土腦,被同學冠以「水壼仔」花名。現在我勤於跑步,運動時手携水壼, 壼不離口,冬天越野滑雪更用Camelbak Hydration System ,又高科技、又夠cool,脱胎換骨,可不是当年土頭土腦的「水壼仔」啊 :O
3. 過了來加拿大之後,習慣直接從(冷)水喉取水喝,除非是露營或出國旅行,煑沸水殺菌這回事倒不是常有發生。
微豆     20 August, 2012 10:11 PM

Monday, August 20, 2012

Dead Men Don't Talk

I posted the following comments on Galaxy's article 【開槍,有感而發】:

Context/issue:  With all the recent shootings in Toronto, should parents teach their children to shut up instead of speaking up?  

There are no easy answers. Here are my suggestions:

I always remind the young ones that "dead men don't talk", meaning:  If you are dead, it doesn't really matter whether you are in the right or in the wrong.

For example:  Don't throw your body in front of the driver who is running thru the red light, even tho you have the righ-of-way. Yield then take down the license plate.

Stand up for your principle, but choose a tactic/strategy to defend it.

Haricot August 21, 2012 11:01 am HK time

Sunday, August 19, 2012

PRC's Great Leap Forward 大躍進

Photo Credit: Wikipedia 大躍進 - 宣傳海報:「以鋼為綱,全面躍進」

The following are my comments in response to Space's blog article "是否政治正確?".

>> …..大躍進 …. 土法炼钢,练出来的大多数是废钢

Back in the 1950's, PRC's Great Leap Forward 大煉鋼 program was largely based on political ideology and little on science and technology.

There are lessons to be learnt. For examples: (1) Military revolutionists were not always the best decision-makers on S&T matters. (2) Blindly toeing the party line by officials (for genuine patriotic reasons or simply out of fear) actually hurt the country.

To be fair, the PRC has made some progress in the S&T areas since the 1950's. The current leadership really has no choice but to make the right investments in a highly competitive and globalized world.

As I have not watched TVB's broadcast, I would assume that the alleged 暗諷 is more against the ideologues of the 50's.

Related links:  大炼钢铁运动

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Freedom to Choose

Photo Credit: Wikipeida - A bottlenose dolphin breaching in the bow wave of a boat

The following are comments I posted early today on Space's blog article entitled 是否虐待不人道?



I saw wild dolphins while sailing around the Greek islands and a playful one actually jumped right out of the water for (its own) entertainment. 

On the other hand, dolphins in captivity are often trained/forced to perform for the entertainment of others. It's a master-slave relationship btwn human and a wild (as opposed to domesticated) species.

As to astronauts, Olympic Game medalists, film stars, scientists and other human beings achieving celebrity status, it's fairly difficult for them to avoid publicity these days. Show-casing his/her achievements is becoming part of the "other related duties" in a field he/she has chosen to begin with. 

Dolphins in captivity have no choice.



Monday, April 30, 2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Becoming a Bitter Old Man? Hopefully Not !!

Here are my comments posted at Fresh Designer's Apr 22, 2012 blog article "歡笑與快樂":

 "我好愛户外運動旅遊,在山徑叢林,跑步滑雪,都令我感到身在大自然間的快樂。希望將來人老,我不能走動,也会有一段快樂的回憶!! 年青時代,是需要創做身、心愉快的資本!!那么到了老就不會變成個酸酸的 bitter old man (or woman)." ..... Haricot 4/25/2012


Fresh Designer 2012年4月22日 歡笑與快樂

Sunday, April 8, 2012

如意郎君 / A Woman's Ideal Man

Below are my comments in response to Fresh Designer's Mar 28, 2012 blog article "黆豬頭都有盟鼻菩薩2":



Often, it's not a man's age, outfit, income, or talk that are the most important, but rather, his honesty, integrity and gentleness to the woman he loves.

Saturday, March 17, 2012



I didn't know abt the movie 桃姐 till I read your comments and blog article.

The truth be known, most 桃姐 were fired as soon as the employer had found out the child had developed a strong attachment to the servant, and/or vice versa.

Saturday, March 17, 2012 12:11:00 PM

Ref: SBB's Mar 9, 2012 blog article 桃姐

Friday, March 16, 2012

Conflict of Interests COI

Here are the comments I left at SBB's blog "Mr. Talkative cannot face the Truth" March 11, 2012:


Public service executives must not involve in conflict of interests, but must also avoid the APPEARANCE /PERCEPTION of conflict of interests. 曾先生 would have been penalized if he were in Canada !!!

Ref: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

".... On the other hand, an individual could be penalized if he knowingly was responsible for an action which turns out to give rise to an appearance of a conflict of interest, although he does not know at the time the action was committed that it would create such an appearance .... "

Saturday, March 17, 2012 11:48:00 AM

安樂死 ? / The case of Robert Latimer

I left the following comments at


*** The following must not be considered as legal opinion in any shape or form ***

My understanding is that here in Canada, it is not illegal to commit suicide, but assisting someone or causing another person's death in the name of 安樂死 is still a criminal offence.

"Robert Latimer still defends killing disabled daughter - Saskatchewan farmer says 'I know I was right' " CBC News Last Updated: Feb 17, 2011 9:08 PM ET



Saturday, March 17, 2012 11:02:00 AM

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Politics vs Policy:

My comments posted on Mind Necessity's blog:

".... When politicians start playing political games to grab power, the focus is shifted away from policy discussions, and the society will suffer.... "

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Here are my comments posted on mindnecessity's blog entitled 【我們須要玩悲情嗎?】

Haricot: "出身" 是一個人的背景,但未必一定是潛力的顯示。

Anyway, the statement is general in nature and has nothing to do with the politics in Hong Kong.